
16 Jun 2015 in

The test system, Tony Little (Headmaster) from Eton College said, has “changed little from Victorian times” and “obliges students to sit alone at their desks in preparation for a world in which, for much of the time, they will need to work collaboratively.” Read more here.

16 Jun 2015 in

To what extent are schools developing a shared language of learning so that parents can play their part in developing visible learners ? Carol Dweck's research suggests that one of the reasons today’s children are less resilient is because of excessive praise from parents. Read more here.

12 Jun 2015 in

The key to going deeper and penetrating the superficial knowledge on the surface is to transform any question into an essential question. The Global Digital Citizen Foundation reminds that we need to be asking “Why?” as much as possible. Read how here.

11 Jun 2015 in

Are we changing the concept of time, space and place for relevant student learning or are we stuck in the 19th century model where both students and teachers are bored? Read more and listen to Heidi Hayes Jacobs four basic program structures here.

11 Jun 2015 in

How can we foster a “purposeful learning” mindset as another way to motivate pupils to persevere in their studies so that when they encounter challenges, difficulty or things that could potentially be roadblocks to learning, it motivates them to persist and barrel through? Read more about this research study by a group at University of Pennsylvania here.

11 Jun 2015 in

Tony Wagner's book 'Creating Innovaters" challenges us to think about how schools need to change so we can create innovators. The focus on collaboration skills, students being okay learning from mistakes reminds us of the dispositions of a visible learner. Read more from Emma Winda's blog here.

04 Jun 2015 in

According to Kentaro Toyamo if educational inequality is the main issue, then no amount of digital technology will turn things around. "Technology’s primary effect is to amplify human forces, so in education, technologies amplify whatever pedagogical capacity is already there". Read more here.

04 Jun 2015 in

How does a teacher ensure that students learn with deep understanding and make acheivement gains? Understanding by Design (UbD) offers a framework to guide curriculum, assessment and planning that will focus on transfer and understanding and designing the curriculum backwards from those ends. Read more here.

04 Jun 2015 in

Giving feedback to your colleagues provides them with an observer's insight into how their performance is progressing as long as there is a climate of mutual respect and relational trust. Read five tips from Entrepreneur here.